As you are scrolling through the different online platforms catering to the adult
industry, you might get to the conclusion that this segment knows some tough
competition. All these beautiful women displaying themselves in hope of having
some validation through clients choosing them. Right ?
If this might have crossed your mind, I want to share my view on this subject.
Competition in this market is just a fantasy to me. It is common to think that an
environment that is mostly constituted of women is going to be hostile, with them
being as catty and mean as one would imagine. Although I am all for people having
their own fantasies, I think it’s about time to let this one die.
When I decided to join this industry, one of my biggest fears was indeed
competition. And who would think otherwise when one is young, struggling with their
self-esteem and being confronted to the most beautiful women you’ve ever seen ? It
was almost four years ago. And let me just say that throughout this entire journey, I
was proved very wrong. Down the road, I got to know amazing girls in this segment,
actual friends you can open up to and that can obviously relate to your life in some
way. I didn’t really find competition, I found support.
The escort market today is saturated, that’s a fact. It is becoming less and less taboo
in our society, a lot of people are intrigued and want to try themselves at the oldest
profession in the world. I truly encourage it, as if you do it right, it is truly the most
empowering experience you might get to live.
But why don’t I feel threatened by the market being saturated by newcomers and
established escorts ?
Well, as the offer on the market is growing, so is the demand ! A lot of men, women
or couples feel less ashamed to reach out to a companion for a new experience, or a
fantasy that they would like to fulfill. Some may only want to know how it feels, others
may develop a liking to being accompanied by gorgeous and cultivated women. This
is without even mentioning the regular clientele that has been here for years. So the
fear of missing out on clients should not be a concern.
The other reason I want to talk about might sound very cheesy, but I am going to say
it either way: Every escort is different in their own way. We all have different
personalities, different physiques and even different target audiences !
I don’t cater to everyone, nor do I want to. So why should I be afraid to see a new girl
that can satisfy whatever audience I am not targeting ? On the contrary , I would be
glad to see other clients having their desires addressed. That can only contribute to
the business in a positive way. It is not worth making it a personal concern.
I think the only concern as an escort to be successful is to be the most true-to-self as
possible. What is going to attract a client at first is definitely going to be your physique
and the way you portray yourself. But what is going to make clients long for you and
want to meet you again is your personality, your kindness and the quality of your
service. Nothing else. So, my piece of advice would be to stand out in what you do
and know best.
Don’t get me wrong, my point of view is not everyone’s cup of tea. There are escorts
who see other escorts as competition. They do not see the value of creating bonds
with some other companions or might just be jealous.
Some escorts will even go as far as sabotaging their colleagues by posting negative
reviews or by not wanting to share their experience with risky clients that they met for
example. They will try to attract the most clients by dropping down their rates or
indulging in some unsafe practices which will contribute to an unsafe environment for
the other companions.
That is very unfortunate as they are missing out on the fun of belonging to an
amazing community that empowers every member of it. I can only feel sorry for
those ladies that see a problem in a flourishing business for everyone.